Sediment provenance and tectonic implications of Mesozoic strata, Taimyr Arctic Russia. Ziaojing Zhang
This project focuses on provenance studies of Mesozoic sediments from Taimyr, Arctic Russia. This is an important and accessible location where well-developed Mesozoic strata provides a natural laboratory to investigate Mesozoic tectonics and their importance to, for example, the tectonic development of the Amerasia Basin. Using sediment provenance studies we can potentially constrain the source areas of sediments in the region and thus identify any common affinities between them, which in turn may help us to understand how the Amerasia basin developed. The tools to be used include i) heavy mineral suite analysis combined with analysis of zircon for ii) U-Pb and iii) O-isotopic analyses – these data will identify source areas of the sediments within a temporal and spatial framework.
Figure caption: Taimyr Peninsula with two possible timings of Mesozoic deformation.